This is probably a weird question. But during my freshman year of college (and pretty much ALL of highschool), I dressed like a tomboy. I had short hair, always wore baggy pants and boy shoes. I never got attention from boys in the romantic sense, but I was always considered to be the ';best friend';. I always thought that because I couldn't merit any attention from them that way, that I had to be tougher. I hated being ';butch';, but I was too nervous about dressing nicer because I didn't want to be judged.
This same trend continued through my freshman year at college, but during my off term I dropped 30 pounds and started doing my hair, dressing in boots, nice jackets, wearing a little make-up and my parents and family have been giving me compliments. I also get some attention from men now :) While this has been an encouraging boost for me to feel more comfortable with my femininity , I am nervous that when I go back to school dressing like this I am going to be judged, or people will laugh at me because I am ';trying too hard';. I am almost dreading the attention that I will get because I won't know what to do or how to react (regardless of whether it's a good/bad reaction). I feel like because I was already known as the chubby tom boy type my freshman year, that coming back to sophomore spring will bring too much attention because the difference between how I look now compared to last year is pretty drastic...
Some advice with what I should do would be great. I feel great about myself, but I'm nervous about bringing this change with me when I go back to my campus. I don't want to come off as fake or even look like I'm a loser.
I know this question might seem pretty elementary, but I guess if you've had a low self-esteem for the past 19 years of your life and dressed to hide yourself for so long you kind of don't know what to do when you decide to improve yourself...
And sorry for the essay...How do I get over being embarrassed when I dress nicely at school?
Well if i seen someone that i knew from high school %26amp; she was a tomboy %26amp; got a big change i wouldn't judge her or laugh at her i would just be so surprised %26amp; tell her how pretty she is there's no reason for anyone to make fun of you i'm sure your going to get a lot of compliments from your friends %26amp; a lot of people might stare at you because you made such a big change i doubt that they'll actually laugh at you that's more grade school type of behavior there's no need to bring back that drama. Also if they make fun of you there just jealous.How do I get over being embarrassed when I dress nicely at school?
I think the best way is , you should change your mind, why didn't you compare your best, which you have with others.
Well I can kind of relate to you so I will help you out as best as I can. I'm currently 21 and doing my last year 4th in Organic chemistry. I'm naturally slim but I was just like you a tomboy. I only recently started buying femenine clothing (forever 21 is now my favourite store). I also wear light make up and I take better care of my curly hair. And I get really anxious when I go outside. I feel like I'm ';overdone';. In reality, you and me are not used to it we are not used to looking our femenine way. Don't worry about the people, they will actually like you even more. My friends give me compliments and I love them. I get a lot of male attention and it makes me uncomfortable but deep inside I know that I look sophisticated yet very young and trendy. It's mostly a self-esteem. I'm pretty sure you shouldn't hide yourself :) You are not allowing yourself to feel the positive energy your new look is giving you.
Do not worry about your long essay or your confidence or even what others may think of you. I can understand your problem though. I always hated being judged and it was harder for me cause I chose to dress in a sense that made me not fit in.
What is important is that you should realize that your in college now and all that stuff of ppl judging how you look or thinking that your trying to hard was all part of the high school mentality. So enjoy your new look and be happy with the new you and be ready for more compliments and guys looking at you in amazement.
And as for anyone at your school that does decide to say anything negative, just remember they are still in that young mentality and havent matured with the rest of you and your class!
I am a guy so I cant give to much advice for a womans dress and style, but I will say that I dont mind make up necessarily however I cant stand it when a woman uses too much. I prefer to see a womans natural beauty. Just remember be yourself and wear what your comfortable in!
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